3 Common Eczema Triggers You Should Watch Out For

3 Common Eczema Triggers You Should Watch Out For

When it comes to skincare and constant maintenance, no condition demands more care, consideration, and attention than eczema.

While certain conditions like psoriasis, acne, and rashes each have their own hurdles that are challenging, this condition tends to stand out because of how complex the whole treatment process is. From the medications used to establishing a solid line of progress, the list of hurdles that encompasses the treatment program are each difficult in their own right.

In spite of all the details that any eczema patient needs to take note of, there’s one that stands out above the rest: avoiding potential triggers at all costs.

Why triggers matter, and which ones you should avoid

An undeniable fact of eczema that many sufferers are very much familiar with is that even the slightest triggers can result in a whole lot of pain and irritation.

Although the pain and irritation of the present sensations that the skin condition brings out are already significant, exposure to known irritants and triggers can further worsen the whole experience, making it essential to avoid them. In the sections below, we will share three common eczema triggers you should what out for:

1. Hot water

A known trigger in any case of eczema is hot water, which is seen by many experts as an absolute factor to avoid because of how aggravating its potential effects are. If you’re looking to enjoy a hot bath to combat the cold but your condition doesn’t permit, then it’s best to keep your skin as calm as possible by sticking to lukewarm water to prevent any unwanted drying effects that may aggravate the condition.

It is also recommended that the skin is treated with a moisturiser to prevent it from getting overly dry. Certain products, such as Bubba Organics’ Australian Goats Milk Baby Bath & Body Gift Box, are recommended for post-warm bath care because of how well their composition works with sensitive and eczema-prone skin.

2. Chemicals found in your bath products

What many new patients or sufferers find out about too late regarding their condition is that even the products they have in their bathrooms can easily become potential triggers.

The condition bears a greater deal of sensitivity to certain chemicals that are usually found in most, if not all, regular products available in the market. To avoid the potential triggers at hand, it’s much better to swap out your current list of products and stock up on eczema-friendly alternatives. Bubba Organics’ Lavender & Chamomile Baby Essential Gift Box, for instance, contains a hair and bath wash, moisture lotion, and bottom cream that make for stress-free bath experiences thanks to its ingredients!

3. Stress

One of the most common triggers of eczema attacks that anyone should be well-aware of is stress, and for good reason.

Often linked to flaring, stress has been shown to be one of the most common triggers around as it is a problem that every person experiencing the condition has gone through. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a stress attack and it’s starting to show in your skin, then you may want to consider meditating, deep breathing, or practising yoga until the tension eases!


Among all the factors that you’ll need to deal with when handling eczema, there’s no aspect more important than avoiding all the potential triggers that you may come across. While you may come across in the future, taking note of the three common items mentioned above (and knowing how to remedy them) will save you much anguish and discomfort in the long run! Opt for Australian organic skincare products such as Organic Covet to get the best remedy!

When it comes to remedying eczema and various skin conditions, we’ve got you covered with the largest supply of Australian organic and natural health brands for your needs. Check out our online shop now!

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