Stop That Scratching: Natural Home Remedies For An Itchy, Itchy Scalp

organic skincare

Stop That Scratching: Natural Home Remedies For An Itchy, Itchy Scalp

An itchy scalp can be incredibly frustrating and embarrassing—it strikes at the most inconvenient times, such as during meetings and moments out in public. You try to distract yourself from the nagging feeling, but ultimately, the itch becomes unbearable, and you end up scratching. Unfortunately, the relief that comes with the action does not justify the embarrassment you’re now feeling. How do you let them know that you’re not housing a bed of lice?

The itchiness can also be distracting, keeping you from focusing on tasks. If you find yourself constantly dealing with an itchy scalp, however, you may be dealing with more than just dusty, flaky dandruff. An itchy scalp could be the result of a number of factors, such as dryness, bacterial infection, and even ringworm. If left untreated, itchy scalp can lead to dire consequences, such as excessive hair fall.

Various products claim to help alleviate the itchiness, but most of them are rather expensive and only provide temporary relief. What’s the best way to relieve itchy scalp, you may ask? Going organic is best—here are some of the best products for you:

Remedy #1: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has always been a cult favourite, especially since it contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This makes it an effective way to treat itchiness, as it both nourishes and moisturizes the scalp. Possible infections will also be targeted, helping the scalp heal faster.

How do you apply it?

Tea tree oil can be applied directly onto the scalp, so take a few drops and place it on a cotton ball. Dap gently on the places where you feel the most itchiness. For the best results, massage it in for five minutes.

If you wish, it’s also possible to leave it on overnight, to be washed the next day with lukewarm water and organic shampoo. It can be used two or three times a week, but once you see improvement, reduce the frequency of application.

Remedy #2: Coconut Oil

Another crowd favourite, coconut oil comes with various anti-fungal properties that target fungal infections and itchiness. The scalp usually itches when it is dry, making moisturizing a top priority. Through a thorough coconut oil hair session, you will be able to restore the moisture and experience relief.

How do you apply it?

Scoop two tablespoons of coconut oil and allow it to heat in a bowl. It should be warm without burning your skin, to be directly applied all over the scalp. Massage your scalp for good measure, as this allows the skin to absorb all the oil’s properties. Twice a week is the best way to go, and you’ll eventually find a permanent respite from the itchiness over time.

Remedy #3: Aloe Vera

Like coconut oil, aloe vera is a natural moisturizer imbued with soothing and anti-microbial properties. It’s a natural coolant, which makes it the perfect remedy for an itchy scalp. Any cuts and scratches you’ve gathered from scratching will also be healed.

How do you apply it?

Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut out the gel, gently allowing it to pool in a bowl. Apply it onto your scalp and massage well, leaving it on to cool for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water, and make sure to do it at least twice a week.

The Bottom Line

The culprit to an itchy scalp can be elusive—it can be the weather, certain conditions, and even stress. Getting relief may seem difficult, especially since the products available on the market are expensive and only temporary. They cannot target the root causes of your itchy problem, so the best way to help your scalp heal is through natural skincare products. Keep the home remedies aforementioned and find what best suits your needs—until then, try not to scratch too much!

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